Mooon Carpet
Ships in 7 weeks
€ 3,150.00
Have you always wanted to walk on the moon? Well, now you can! The Mooon Carpet brings the most mesmerising celestial object into your home. Revolutionary printing technique transforms NASA’s high-resolution images of the moon into a round low-pile carpet with extraordinary details. Who would’ve thought your first steps on the moon could be soft! So, don’t be shy, dare to ask for the moon!
- Width250 cm
- Height250 cm
- Depth0 cm
- Material descriptionPile: 100 % PA | Backing: PP Woven Textile backing

Mooon Carpet
Dark · Round 250

I love you to the moon and back
Shoot for the moon. Over the moon. Fly me to the moon. There are few celestial objects as mesmerising and fascinating as the moon!

Great detailing
The perfect detailed image of the moon is made possible thanks to revolutionary printing techniques and imagery from NASA.